I have been a fan of this series since 1997 when I first picked up
Dragonfly in Amber. We had just retired and were building our
retirement home and living in a rental. I loved to read and loved
also reading long, long books. I have to admit I bought the paperback
version just because it was the thickest book in the rack! After
reading it, I realized, of course, that it was the second in a series
(I think perhaps only three had been published at the time). Well I
quickly backtracked and read the Outlander, then Voyager, then stopped
because I couldn't find another one. Remembered, though, how much I
loved the books. I was reintroduced to the last three about three
years ago and plowed through them enjoying every word and reading them
was as if I hadn't even had a gap in time. Jamie and Claires were
just as wonderful as ever. I was tremendously surprised to find that
they had found their way straight to my own back yard, albeit over 200
years ago and was thrilled to read about familiar names places and
very real historic events. I will say that Diana's account of the
history is nearly perfect. She is a marvelous researcher and the
history is extremely accurate. I even found a cement marker in my
town that recounted a very minor background story in the books.
Well, when my sister was diagnosed with cancer two years ago, I asked
if she liked to read. I should add that up til then, we had very
little contact, no major reason except the fact that we are nearly
100% different and busy with our lives and family. I didn't even know
if she liked to read. Anyway, she said she did "sometimes", so I told
her to get her son to go out immediately and get her the OUtlander.
She finished this in the hospital before and after surgery and I had
the remaining books waiting for her when she returned home (except the
last one which I immediately preordered). Well she read them all six
So now, after she has been on chemo for over a year and a half, I
found out there was an "Outlander" Tour to Scotland and we just
returned from a most wonderful trip. I learned so much more after
being there, at Culloden, in the highlands, etc. I will be rereading
these books again since now that I have been there, heard the Scots,
seen some of the places, immersed in the history, the books will be
ever so much more enjoyable. By the way, if any of you want to see
the hundreds of pictures and short video clips of our trip (you might
like our 18th century dressup night) my pictures are at:
Highly recommend this trip for any of you inclined. Not affiliated in
any way with tour director of Celtic Journeys, but she was wonderful
and made every step through the stones an enjoyable one.