a bit confused
(too old to reply)
2007-10-15 22:57:20 UTC
Ok, has anybody else noticed this?

At the end of Drums of Autumn, when they're all at the Gathering at Mt
Helicon, Roger recites the contents of a letter written by Frank to
Rev Wakefield regarding the fact that Jamie's tombstone at St Kilda in
Scotland is a fake. Jamie says he will tell Claire about it, but as
far as I can tell he never mentions it throughout either of The Fiery
Cross or A Breath of Snow and Ashes. Isn't this a bit odd?

It's possible/hopeful that he will say something in the coming book -
given that at the end of the sixth book he says they should go to
Scotland to get his printing press - maybe Claire will get concerned
about it and he'll tell her about it. If DG just forgets it, it seems
a waste!

And one other thing - maybe I missed it - wasn't there supposed to be
some explanation of Jamie's ghost right at the start of Outlander?
Can somone point me to it if I have missed it?
Ashley Barlow
2007-11-16 20:07:30 UTC
I know you wrote this a month ago but I thought I would put in my 2 cents.
Cent 1: DG will not (does not) ever 'forget' things. She has the most
amazing ability to tie things together that we had all forgotten. I wouldn't
worry that she will leave anything out. Think of all the loose ends she tied
up in Drums and Snow...she had to make some more otherwise there wouldn't be
any point in reading.
Cent 2: There are at least 2 books yet to come after A breath of Snow and
Ashes. Plenty of time to clear things up.
Post by Nim
Ok, has anybody else noticed this?
At the end of Drums of Autumn, when they're all at the Gathering at Mt
Helicon, Roger recites the contents of a letter written by Frank to
Rev Wakefield regarding the fact that Jamie's tombstone at St Kilda in
Scotland is a fake. Jamie says he will tell Claire about it, but as
far as I can tell he never mentions it throughout either of The Fiery
Cross or A Breath of Snow and Ashes. Isn't this a bit odd?
It's possible/hopeful that he will say something in the coming book -
given that at the end of the sixth book he says they should go to
Scotland to get his printing press - maybe Claire will get concerned
about it and he'll tell her about it. If DG just forgets it, it seems
a waste!
And one other thing - maybe I missed it - wasn't there supposed to be
some explanation of Jamie's ghost right at the start of Outlander?
Can somone point me to it if I have missed it?