order of books?
(too old to reply)
David Wurmfeld
2004-05-18 19:39:15 UTC
I have just started "Dragonfly in Amber", and there seems to be 20 years
missing. Is it the second book in the series? I don't want to get ahead of
myself in the series, I want to savor every page...
Kelly Cobb
2004-05-18 23:55:07 UTC
Post by David Wurmfeld
I have just started "Dragonfly in Amber", and there seems to be 20 years
missing. Is it the second book in the series? I don't want to get ahead of
myself in the series, I want to savor every page...

start with Outlander (Cross Stitch in UK), then Dragonfly in Amber, then
Voyager and then Drums of Autumn and The Fiery Cross.

I envy you just getting started and seeing it all fresh.


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The Goddess in Tennis Shoes
2004-05-19 01:39:09 UTC
Post by David Wurmfeld
I have just started "Dragonfly in Amber", and there seems to be 20 years
Keep reading. It takes a little bit to get back to Jamie and Claire in the
"past." The first part of the book sets up Brianna and Roger, and other things.
But well worth the wait.



"Jesus Christ," I said. There was a faint chuckle near my ear.
"I only said I felt like God, Sassenach," he murmured. "I never said I was."

--Jamie Fraser--
"Outlander" by Diana Gabaldon
Suzanne Mayfair
2004-05-19 17:11:20 UTC

Listen to Kelly and read Outlander first. As far as I'm concerned it's the
only way to go. Otherwise you won't get the full experience.

Post by David Wurmfeld
I have just started "Dragonfly in Amber", and there seems to be 20 years
missing. Is it the second book in the series? I don't want to get ahead of
myself in the series, I want to savor every page...