Outlander Tour
(too old to reply)
2007-02-18 23:45:01 UTC
Hi all, I didn't even realize there was a group focused solely on the
Outlander. I just wanted to pop in and tell you all an interesting
story. I started reading Dragonfly in Amber (I know, I didn't know it
started with OUtlander) in 1997, then realized it was a series and
backtracked to Outlander and read through Voyager ending with a heavy
heart because there were no more at the time. I got busy with
retirement and home building, gardening, etc., telling everyone who
loved to read about these books, but everyone "thought" they were just
romance novels Ha! I did convince serveral to pick them up then a
couple of years ago begain again with Drums of Automn to find my
lovely Claire and Jamie in NC (where I live) what a wonderful
surprise! And especially in Wilmington, NC which is where I live.
Anyway, my younger sister was diagnosed with cancer in 2005 and I
suggested she might want to read these books. She got Outlander while
still in the hospital and finished it in a day or so. I had all but
the last one (wasn't published yet) waiting for her when she got
home. I preordered Snow and Ashes for both of us. (to find again the
story close to home, the Moore's Creek Battle took place 20 miles up
the road from here). Anyway, my sister has been undergoing chemo
(still is) and has read these books plus the Companion 5 times! She
absolutely loves the story.
I had casually mentioned that maybe she and I could go to Scotland
together someday. My sister hasn't ever been to Europe and hasn't
traveled a whole lot and is in very dire financial situation. So I
thought maybe we could go. Just for the heck of it, I googled
Outlander Tour just in case there was such a thing and lo and behold,
there was! Long story short (sorry not short enough), we are going
along with another dear friend in May. I don't even know why I
checked to see if there was such a thing. The tour is based on the
book and maybe some of you have been?
Anyway, if you are interested, the tour is described:
We are very excited and I have just finished rereading the Outlander
to keep up with my sister's email quizes.
Alida Spry
2007-02-19 20:11:13 UTC
Post by p***@bellsouth.net
Hi all, I didn't even realize there was a group focused solely on the
Outlander. I just wanted to pop in and tell you all an interesting
story. I started reading Dragonfly in Amber (I know, I didn't know it
started with OUtlander) in 1997, then realized it was a series and
backtracked to Outlander and read through Voyager ending with a heavy
heart because there were no more at the time. I got busy with
retirement and home building, gardening, etc., telling everyone who
loved to read about these books, but everyone "thought" they were just
romance novels Ha! I did convince serveral to pick them up then a
couple of years ago begain again with Drums of Automn to find my
lovely Claire and Jamie in NC (where I live) what a wonderful
surprise! And especially in Wilmington, NC which is where I live.
Anyway, my younger sister was diagnosed with cancer in 2005 and I
suggested she might want to read these books. She got Outlander while
still in the hospital and finished it in a day or so. I had all but
the last one (wasn't published yet) waiting for her when she got
home. I preordered Snow and Ashes for both of us. (to find again the
story close to home, the Moore's Creek Battle took place 20 miles up
the road from here). Anyway, my sister has been undergoing chemo
(still is) and has read these books plus the Companion 5 times! She
absolutely loves the story.
I had casually mentioned that maybe she and I could go to Scotland
together someday. My sister hasn't ever been to Europe and hasn't
traveled a whole lot and is in very dire financial situation. So I
thought maybe we could go. Just for the heck of it, I googled
Outlander Tour just in case there was such a thing and lo and behold,
there was! Long story short (sorry not short enough), we are going
along with another dear friend in May. I don't even know why I
checked to see if there was such a thing. The tour is based on the
book and maybe some of you have been?
We are very excited and I have just finished rereading the Outlander
to keep up with my sister's email quizes.
Welcome Pauline!

I hope you have a wonderful time on the tour and please tell us all about
it! I'm so jealous! I've got four kids and I'm a stay-at-home mom so
European trips are out of the question for me.

I'll pray that your sister can beat the cancer. I'm sure that the books are
a wonderful distraction and give her something other than her health to
focus on.

I just started re-reading A Breath of Snow and Ashes yesterday. I've read
it twice before and I've read the whole series multiple times. Everytime a
new book is scheduled to be released, I go back and read the whole series

I just fell in love with Outlander quite by accident. I was going to
Germany in the summer of 1991 and I wanted a "big" book to read on the
flight over and back (and on any train rides once I got there etc.) I saw
the cover art, picked it up, read the summary and thought it sounded
interesting but I never imagined how awesome that book would be!

I too have gotten many people hooked on this series.

Feel free to post any questions or topics you'd like to discuss.

2007-02-27 18:06:03 UTC
Post by Alida Spry
Welcome Pauline!
I hope you have a wonderful time on the tour and please tell us all about
it! I'm so jealous! I've got four kids and I'm a stay-at-home mom so
European trips are out of the question for me.
I'll pray that your sister can beat the cancer. I'm sure that the books
are a wonderful distraction and give her something other than her health
to focus on.
I just started re-reading A Breath of Snow and Ashes yesterday. I've read
it twice before and I've read the whole series multiple times. Everytime
a new book is scheduled to be released, I go back and read the whole
series again!
I just fell in love with Outlander quite by accident. I was going to
Germany in the summer of 1991 and I wanted a "big" book to read on the
flight over and back (and on any train rides once I got there etc.) I saw
the cover art, picked it up, read the summary and thought it sounded
interesting but I never imagined how awesome that book would be!
I too have gotten many people hooked on this series.
Feel free to post any questions or topics you'd like to discuss.
Welcome Pauline- I hope you and your sister have a great time on the
tour...sounds fascinating!!!

Alida- I do the re-read thing also, when a new book is scheduled to come

My DH actually found Outlander for me...we were vacationing at the beach and
went to Wal-mart for new beach books...he picked up Outlander and says "this
looks like your kind of book...at least it's long!" so I went with his
choice and boy am I ever glad I did!

Alida Spry
2007-02-27 21:40:52 UTC
Post by Arleen
Post by Alida Spry
Welcome Pauline!
I hope you have a wonderful time on the tour and please tell us all about
it! I'm so jealous! I've got four kids and I'm a stay-at-home mom so
European trips are out of the question for me.
I'll pray that your sister can beat the cancer. I'm sure that the books
are a wonderful distraction and give her something other than her health
to focus on.
I just started re-reading A Breath of Snow and Ashes yesterday. I've
read it twice before and I've read the whole series multiple times.
Everytime a new book is scheduled to be released, I go back and read the
whole series again!
I just fell in love with Outlander quite by accident. I was going to
Germany in the summer of 1991 and I wanted a "big" book to read on the
flight over and back (and on any train rides once I got there etc.) I
saw the cover art, picked it up, read the summary and thought it sounded
interesting but I never imagined how awesome that book would be!
I too have gotten many people hooked on this series.
Feel free to post any questions or topics you'd like to discuss.
Welcome Pauline- I hope you and your sister have a great time on the
tour...sounds fascinating!!!
Alida- I do the re-read thing also, when a new book is scheduled to come
My DH actually found Outlander for me...we were vacationing at the beach
and went to Wal-mart for new beach books...he picked up Outlander and says
"this looks like your kind of book...at least it's long!" so I went with
his choice and boy am I ever glad I did!
Hi Arleen!

That's my mom's name but she spells it Arlene. Her twin sister is Eileen!

I'm glad your husband found that for you. Has he read the series? My
husband has read the whole series and we both really enjoy the humor in the

Right now I'm reading ABOSAA and I'm right at the part where Claire was
abducted by the bandits and has been beaten and raped but Jamie hasn't shown
up to save her yet and she's imagining that something may have happened to

I really love this series and I never get tired of reading it even though I
know what's going to happen next. Diana has done such a wonderful job that
I get sucked into the story and it seems all new again.

I would LOVE to see this series made into a movie or mini-series (actually
if they did the whole series it wouldn't be so mini!). There's a website
with suggestions for actors for each of the characters. I can't really
think of anyone who fits my own mental picture of Jamie but Alex Kingston
(from ER) would be a great Claire.

Well, I've got to run. It's my youngest daughter's birthday and I've got to
get the kitchen cleaned up so I can make her dinner request. She wants
breakfast for dinner so we're having eggs, bacon, sausage, cinnamon buns
etc. She's only four so I'll humor her. LOL!

2007-03-01 18:46:59 UTC
Post by Alida Spry
Post by Arleen
Welcome Pauline- I hope you and your sister have a great time on the
tour...sounds fascinating!!!
Alida- I do the re-read thing also, when a new book is scheduled to come
My DH actually found Outlander for me...we were vacationing at the beach
and went to Wal-mart for new beach books...he picked up Outlander and
says "this looks like your kind of book...at least it's long!" so I went
with his choice and boy am I ever glad I did!
Hi Arleen!
That's my mom's name but she spells it Arlene. Her twin sister is Eileen!
I'm glad your husband found that for you. Has he read the series? My
husband has read the whole series and we both really enjoy the humor in
the books.
Right now I'm reading ABOSAA and I'm right at the part where Claire was
abducted by the bandits and has been beaten and raped but Jamie hasn't
shown up to save her yet and she's imagining that something may have
happened to him.
I really love this series and I never get tired of reading it even though
I know what's going to happen next. Diana has done such a wonderful job
that I get sucked into the story and it seems all new again.
I would LOVE to see this series made into a movie or mini-series (actually
if they did the whole series it wouldn't be so mini!). There's a website
with suggestions for actors for each of the characters. I can't really
think of anyone who fits my own mental picture of Jamie but Alex Kingston
(from ER) would be a great Claire.
Well, I've got to run. It's my youngest daughter's birthday and I've got
to get the kitchen cleaned up so I can make her dinner request. She wants
breakfast for dinner so we're having eggs, bacon, sausage, cinnamon buns
etc. She's only four so I'll humor her. LOL!
LOL, my mom forgot how to spell it when she was filling out my birth
certificate...makes it hard to get personalized items that are pre-made!
And, my middle name is Elaine...bunch of vowels in our names, lol!

I am glad that DH found the wee book for me too, but I can't convince him to
read the series! I'll keep working on him. I think he regrets his choice of
book for me, because I won't talk to him at night...I'm reading, lol!

I too would love to see some sort of series made, and Alex Kingston has
always been my first choice as Claire, and I love the chick from that 70's
show for Bree, but Jamie is soooo hard to cast! I have a mental picture of
him, but have never seen an actor that resembles my mental picture. I do
have a friend that resembles him in my mind, but said friend doesn't

Happy birthday to your DD, I hope she enjoyed her breakfast for dinner! We
actually do that a lot around here, I love breakfast for dinner!


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