Colleen Lill
2007-05-26 04:04:09 UTC
From Voyageur, chapter 11
Jamie and Lord John Grey discussing the immense novel - "Pamela"
"Do you think that the size of the book is justified by the complexity of the story?", Grey asked, leaning forward to light a cheroot from the candle on the sideboard. " It must after all be a great expense to the publisher, as well as requiring a substantial effort from the reader, a book of that length."
Fraser smiled. .......... "What is it - twelve hundred pages? Aye, I think so. After all, it is difficult to sum up the complications of a life in a short space with any hope of constructing an accurate account."
"True. I have heard the point made, though, that the novelist's skill lies in the artful selection of detail. Do you not suppose that a volume of such length may indicate a lack of discipline in such selection, and hence a lack of skill?"
Fraser considered, sipping the ruby liquid slowly.
"I have seen books where that is the case, to be sure," he said. "An author seeks by sheer inundation of detail to overwhelm the reader into belief. In this case, however, I think it isna so. Each character is most carefully considered, and all the incidents chosen seem necessary to the story. No, I think it is true that some stories simply require a greater space in which to be told." .....................
When I read this section of Voyageur, I had quite the giggle. It occurred to me that Diana may have been poking fun at herself - for the length and complexity of her own books! Here she had Jamie and LJG describing her own books!
What do the rest of you think of this........
(aka Sassenach)
back to lurking mode...........
From Voyageur, chapter 11
Jamie and Lord John Grey discussing the immense novel - "Pamela"
"Do you think that the size of the book is justified by the complexity of the story?", Grey asked, leaning forward to light a cheroot from the candle on the sideboard. " It must after all be a great expense to the publisher, as well as requiring a substantial effort from the reader, a book of that length."
Fraser smiled. .......... "What is it - twelve hundred pages? Aye, I think so. After all, it is difficult to sum up the complications of a life in a short space with any hope of constructing an accurate account."
"True. I have heard the point made, though, that the novelist's skill lies in the artful selection of detail. Do you not suppose that a volume of such length may indicate a lack of discipline in such selection, and hence a lack of skill?"
Fraser considered, sipping the ruby liquid slowly.
"I have seen books where that is the case, to be sure," he said. "An author seeks by sheer inundation of detail to overwhelm the reader into belief. In this case, however, I think it isna so. Each character is most carefully considered, and all the incidents chosen seem necessary to the story. No, I think it is true that some stories simply require a greater space in which to be told." .....................
When I read this section of Voyageur, I had quite the giggle. It occurred to me that Diana may have been poking fun at herself - for the length and complexity of her own books! Here she had Jamie and LJG describing her own books!
What do the rest of you think of this........
(aka Sassenach)
back to lurking mode...........
All Wiyht. Rho sritched mg kegtops awound?
All Wiyht. Rho sritched mg kegtops awound?