Colleen Lill
2003-10-28 03:21:07 UTC
Hi ladies,
I found out quite by accident on Sat evening that Herself is coming to
Saskatoon, Sask Canada!!! And what a coincidence - that's where I live!!!
I just about peed myself when I found out - I couldn't believe that Random
House has managed to cajole and entice her to come to little 'ole
Saskatoon - right in the middle of the Canadian Prairies.
So yesterday I purchased Lord John Grey and have yet to start it. I'm not
concerned though - she won't be here until Nov 5th. I plan to take all my
hardcover copies and a camera with me to the reading!
Am I excited???! ................... nahhhhhhhhhh not a bit!!! :)
aka sassenach
I found out quite by accident on Sat evening that Herself is coming to
Saskatoon, Sask Canada!!! And what a coincidence - that's where I live!!!
I just about peed myself when I found out - I couldn't believe that Random
House has managed to cajole and entice her to come to little 'ole
Saskatoon - right in the middle of the Canadian Prairies.
So yesterday I purchased Lord John Grey and have yet to start it. I'm not
concerned though - she won't be here until Nov 5th. I plan to take all my
hardcover copies and a camera with me to the reading!
Am I excited???! ................... nahhhhhhhhhh not a bit!!! :)
aka sassenach