(too old to reply)
2006-08-02 19:49:04 UTC
I've loved these books for years - haven't read ABOSAA yet...but I've
read all the others at least 5 times! I've been dying to find peopel
to discuss the books with and have tried without success to get my
husband and sister into them.

So, here's a question: What exactly is it about Jamie that is so damn

And is there any site out there that I could hear some of the words
that DG writes with the accent?

Hello to all and I'm glad I found this group!
Alida Spry
2006-08-02 20:18:13 UTC

Welcome to the group! I've read and re-read the entire series several
times. My husband bought me the audio CDs of Outlander which I am almost
finished with. It's neat to hear the names and places said with the correct
accent and pronounciation rather me trying to figure it out myself.

Diana has short audio clips on her website:

My husband has read the series and enjoyed the books but he isn't as into
them as I am. Several of my friends have gotten hooked on them as well.

I don't know what it is about Jamie. He's rugged and attractive,
intelligent and charming, funny, passionate, dangerous and any number of
other adjectives.

Hurry up and read ABOSAA so we can discuss it with you!

Stay cool!

Post by Tara
I've loved these books for years - haven't read ABOSAA yet...but I've
read all the others at least 5 times! I've been dying to find peopel
to discuss the books with and have tried without success to get my
husband and sister into them.
So, here's a question: What exactly is it about Jamie that is so damn
And is there any site out there that I could hear some of the words
that DG writes with the accent?
Hello to all and I'm glad I found this group!
2006-08-03 11:33:22 UTC
Thanks, Alida!

I'll have to check out the clips when I get home. I'll try and get the
Audio books this weekend - I would love to hear the accents the way
they should be.

On the Jamie subject: I checked out DG's website and found the gallery
with possible actors to play Jamie, and not one of them does it for me
- how do you guys feel? He is so built up in my head that I just don't
think a "mere actor" can do him justice!
Alida Spry
2006-08-03 16:20:43 UTC
Post by Tara
Thanks, Alida!
I'll have to check out the clips when I get home. I'll try and get the
Audio books this weekend - I would love to hear the accents the way
they should be.
On the Jamie subject: I checked out DG's website and found the gallery
with possible actors to play Jamie, and not one of them does it for me
- how do you guys feel? He is so built up in my head that I just don't
think a "mere actor" can do him justice!
I've looked at those too and I don't think there's any actor (that I'm
familiar with) that would fit Jamie's physical description. I'm not
concerned with the hiar style or color because that can be changed easily.
Someone with his height and build and that nose and those eyes, it will be
difficult to find that and then have that person also be able to act and
speak with the proper accents? I think it's a tall order (no pun intended!)

Diana has said that the reason she never has drawings of the characters on
the covers is because even she can't imagine any artist's representation to
come close to how she imageins Jamie and Claire (and theothers) in her mind.
We shouldn't need a picture of them because she's done such a great job with
describing them for us.

For Claire, I think that Alex Kingston (she was Elizabeth on ER) would be a
good candidate. Not a perfect match to what's in my mind but she's got the
English accent and the curly hair and she's a wonderful actress. I'm not
sure how tall she is though. I think it's the physical descriptions that
are hard to find.

Whoever they would choose, then there would have to be great chemistry
between Jamie and Claire and sometimes that's hard to do too.

On one hand I would love to see Outlander made into a movie or series but on
the other hand, I'm afraid of how it might be butchered and I wouldn't want
to be disappointed so maybe it would be better if they didn't do it. You
know what I mean?

Oh, by the way. I think the guy that was in "The Patriot" as the "bad guy"
British major (or whatever his rank was) would be perfect for how I pictured
Black Jack. What do you think?

Hopefully we can chat some more but right now I've got to get lunch for the

2006-08-03 19:42:45 UTC
The guy in The Patriot is exactly who I imagined for Jack/Frank
Randall! I wonder what DG thinks about him. I would love to see a
movie/miniseries on the books, but I too am hesitant because I'm afraid
they would royally screw it up. I really think they would have to get
an unknown actor to play Jamie because you know whoever it was would be
totally type-cast (like the kid in Harry Potter), and DG did such a
good job describing him that any known actor wouldn't be able to
"become" him.

I hadn't really thought about Claire, so I'll have to think about
that...I sort of pictured that Scottish guy from Tomb Raider
(Gerald-something) as Dougal...he's a bit old for Jamie.

You know, I would love to talk to someone from Scotland who has read
these books to get their take on them - as far as the accents, and how
the Scots are portrayed - even though it's set in the 1700's.

Why doesn't anyone post on this group anymore? Maybe it's just me, but
I think there's plenty to discuss that I haven't seen in past
Alida Spry
2006-08-03 19:57:02 UTC
Post by Tara
The guy in The Patriot is exactly who I imagined for Jack/Frank
Randall! I wonder what DG thinks about him. I would love to see a
movie/miniseries on the books, but I too am hesitant because I'm afraid
they would royally screw it up. I really think they would have to get
an unknown actor to play Jamie because you know whoever it was would be
totally type-cast (like the kid in Harry Potter), and DG did such a
good job describing him that any known actor wouldn't be able to
"become" him.
I hadn't really thought about Claire, so I'll have to think about
that...I sort of pictured that Scottish guy from Tomb Raider
(Gerald-something) as Dougal...he's a bit old for Jamie.
You know, I would love to talk to someone from Scotland who has read
these books to get their take on them - as far as the accents, and how
the Scots are portrayed - even though it's set in the 1700's.
Why doesn't anyone post on this group anymore? Maybe it's just me, but
I think there's plenty to discuss that I haven't seen in past
I don't know where everyone is. Vacation maybe? The group wasn't all that
active when I joined (right before ABOSAA was released) then it picked up a
bit as people were finishing it but there weren't any real conversations
that lasted more than a few threads. I tried to start a few threads but
rarely got more than a couple of brief replies.

Gerald (What's-his-name?) would be good for some role in the story but I'm
not sure if Dougal is who I'd pick. All of the MacKenzie men have the
height and that straight knife-like nose. The way Diana described them,
whomever they would get to play Dougal, Colum, Jamie, even Bree and Jocasta
and Willie (if they did the later books) would all have to have some
resemblence to each other for it to be believable to me.

I'm always available to chat. I'm a stay at home mom and I'm online
frequently throughout the day. I also do a lot of genealogy work and that
takes up most of my computer time.

Nice chatting with you,

Kelly C.
2006-08-03 20:22:27 UTC
I'm lurking around.:)

Reading Outlander again...I think this makes the 9th reading, not sure.

I just quit my job this week to be a SAHM for my daughter as she goes into
middle school. Better late than never, right?

2006-08-03 21:14:37 UTC
I am not a SAHM, but we have a 10-week old son, who is currently
balancing on my shoulder as I'm typing this! I told him we were going
to listen to some Scottish accents if I can get to the link that Alida
gave me...I'm also very interested in Geneology if this is a place we
can discuss it sometimes? I agree that the related character will have
to be played by similar looking actors to work...I'm off to listen to
the excerpts now...I will be sticking around this group if anyone ever
wants to chat!
Colleen Lill
2006-08-07 16:24:58 UTC

I agree with you about Alex Kingston as a potential Claire. She is the one person who most closely matched my mental image of her. Have never come up with a good enough Jamie though. And the Patriot guy, his name is Jason Isaacs. I've seen him briefly in one or two roles since then and I've never been able to get that nasty Patriot character out of my head. he would make the perfect BJ Randall!

(aka sassenach)

For Claire, I think that Alex Kingston (she was Elizabeth on ER) would be a
good candidate. Not a perfect match to what's in my mind but she's got the
English accent and the curly hair and she's a wonderful actress. I'm not
sure how tall she is though. I think it's the physical descriptions that
are hard to find.

Whoever they would choose, then there would have to be great chemistry
between Jamie and Claire and sometimes that's hard to do too.

On one hand I would love to see Outlander made into a movie or series but on
the other hand, I'm afraid of how it might be butchered and I wouldn't want
to be disappointed so maybe it would be better if they didn't do it. You
know what I mean?

Oh, by the way. I think the guy that was in "The Patriot" as the "bad guy"
British major (or whatever his rank was) would be perfect for how I pictured
Black Jack. What do you think?

Hopefully we can chat some more but right now I've got to get lunch for the

2006-08-10 17:38:35 UTC
Post by Alida Spry
Welcome to the group! I've read and re-read the entire series several
times. My husband bought me the audio CDs of Outlander which I am almost
finished with. It's neat to hear the names and places said with the correct
accent and pronounciation rather me trying to figure it out myself.
My husband has read the series and enjoyed the books but he isn't as into
them as I am. Several of my friends have gotten hooked on them as well.
I don't know what it is about Jamie. He's rugged and attractive,
intelligent and charming, funny, passionate, dangerous and any number of
other adjectives.
Hurry up and read ABOSAA so we can discuss it with you!
Stay cool!
Post by Tara
I've loved these books for years - haven't read ABOSAA yet...but I've
read all the others at least 5 times! I've been dying to find peopel
to discuss the books with and have tried without success to get my
husband and sister into them.
So, here's a question: What exactly is it about Jamie that is so damn
And is there any site out there that I could hear some of the words
that DG writes with the accent?
Hello to all and I'm glad I found this group!
2006-08-10 17:37:40 UTC
Post by Tara
I've loved these books for years - haven't read ABOSAA yet...but I've
read all the others at least 5 times! I've been dying to find peopel
to discuss the books with and have tried without success to get my
husband and sister into them.
So, here's a question: What exactly is it about Jamie that is so damn
And is there any site out there that I could hear some of the words
that DG writes with the accent?
Hello to all and I'm glad I found this group!
2006-08-10 17:38:03 UTC
Post by Tara
I've loved these books for years - haven't read ABOSAA yet...but I've
read all the others at least 5 times! I've been dying to find peopel
to discuss the books with and have tried without success to get my
husband and sister into them.
So, here's a question: What exactly is it about Jamie that is so damn
And is there any site out there that I could hear some of the words
that DG writes with the accent?
Hello to all and I'm glad I found this group!
2006-08-10 17:39:18 UTC
Post by Tara
I've loved these books for years - haven't read ABOSAA yet...but I've
read all the others at least 5 times! I've been dying to find peopel
to discuss the books with and have tried without success to get my
husband and sister into them.
So, here's a question: What exactly is it about Jamie that is so damn
And is there any site out there that I could hear some of the words
that DG writes with the accent?
Hello to all and I'm glad I found this group!
2006-08-12 22:42:53 UTC
Post by Tara
I've loved these books for years - haven't read ABOSAA yet...but I've
read all the others at least 5 times! I've been dying to find peopel
to discuss the books with and have tried without success to get my
husband and sister into them.
So, here's a question: What exactly is it about Jamie that is so damn
And is there any site out there that I could hear some of the words
that DG writes with the accent?
Hello to all and I'm glad I found this group!
Not often posting, but reading this group once in a while.

I found these books because of my interest in the Revolutionary War. I
was floored by them. Diana's research and authenticity is notable, to
say the least. She definitely has a way with the pen, and is able to
bring the reader right along with her. Time well spent.

Jamie is a guy, pure and simple. We speak before thinking, and our
responses, often wrong, are dictated by our past experiences and what
we hear from others. He reminds me of a few of my friends. Just a
bunch of, "regular joes". I found myself saying over and over, "Yeah,
I would'a' done it that way, too."

I have a Scot father-in-law who could be Jamie's grandfather! He's
coarse but funny, without being vulgar. No accent, but his mannerisms
are typical of other Scots, ramrod straight back, walks with a slight
swagger, looks people right in the eye. Not confrontational, but his
opinion is readily forthcoming. Gotta tell ya, it was a real treat
asking for HIS daughters hand in marriage! But that was 20-some-odd
years ago, and all is well......

If you really want to get a more full experience from these books, get
the unabridged audiobooks read by Davina Porter. I let my
father-in-law listen to a few lines, and he swears it's his old
granny. She really captures the subtleties of Scot.


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