Ian is one of my favorite characters. There is something adorable about him
in the way you want to hug and protect him, yet he is also one that I would
want protecting ME!
Once Upon A Time sarag proclaimed:
: It was at the end of Fiery Cross. He brought Claire the diary of the
: time traveler who wanted the indians to fight whites and not let them
: take over the continent. Jamie is translating it for everyone and
: Ian gives a look and so (I am totally paraphrasing here) Claire says,
: "Yes, myself, Bree and Roger are all like that" and Ian says, "I knew
: you weren't fairy people!" It is probably about 20 pages before the
: books ends (if that).
: I liked that part because it showed that Ian KNEW there was something
: different about Claire, and he immediately made the connection when he
: heard about this indian traveler. Smart guy, is what I am going for
: here.