Colleen Lill
2003-11-06 13:54:00 UTC
Diana Herself was here in Saskatoon today for a signing and reading.
Apparently our local public library won some sort of a contest with Random
House and that's how she ended up here with us.
My friend and I arrived a good 1.5 hours in advance of "show time" to be
assured of a good seat and we had 3rd row seats - good enough for a couple
of good pictures of Herself! She started the evening with a bio of how she
got into writing the wee buiks - many of us have heard it before. I didn't
know, however, that the tidbit that got her idea for the books was an idea
from the Dr Who sf tv series. After her bio, there was a question and
answer period - many good questions. Some of the things she told us -
there will be 2 more books in the Jamie/Claire series, 2 more books about
Lord John Grey, a prequel series about Brian and Ellen and perhaps a series
about Master Raymond. She said that she is under contract to write 10
MORE BOOKS!!! She also said that the mystery about the ghost will be
answered at the end of the last book. I had been wondering myself about
Claire's personality - was a lot of it from Herself? And just listening to
her and her wonderful sense of wit answered that question for me in a hurry!
She is definitely Claire and Claire is definitely a child of Herself!
After the questions, she read an excerpt from "A Breath of Snow and Ashes".
It wasn't a spoiler in any way. Jamie and Claire were lolling around under
a tree, remembering their lives together and talking about each other. It
was so touching and Herself added the scottish lilt to Jamie's voice as she
read. Her detail was so fantastic, I found myself just seeing the 2 of them
in my head - it was so real!!! She is truly one amazing and fantastic
After the reading, she signed books. I now own several books with her
signature and no one touches them! I had her sign my copy of the Lord John
book - "A True Sassenach" and I told her that my gr-grandmother was an
englishwoman and she married a scot - I come by it honestly. She laughed
and agreed that I did! Then the "handler" agreed to take a picture of my
friend and I with Diana!
It was all a fantastic evening and we almost felt like we were in the midst
of royalty!!
She is in Calgary today - there are 2 signings there, if anyone on the list
lives in Calgary. I've already given my sister the heads up about it!
Details are on her website.
(aka sassenach)
Apparently our local public library won some sort of a contest with Random
House and that's how she ended up here with us.
My friend and I arrived a good 1.5 hours in advance of "show time" to be
assured of a good seat and we had 3rd row seats - good enough for a couple
of good pictures of Herself! She started the evening with a bio of how she
got into writing the wee buiks - many of us have heard it before. I didn't
know, however, that the tidbit that got her idea for the books was an idea
from the Dr Who sf tv series. After her bio, there was a question and
answer period - many good questions. Some of the things she told us -
there will be 2 more books in the Jamie/Claire series, 2 more books about
Lord John Grey, a prequel series about Brian and Ellen and perhaps a series
about Master Raymond. She said that she is under contract to write 10
MORE BOOKS!!! She also said that the mystery about the ghost will be
answered at the end of the last book. I had been wondering myself about
Claire's personality - was a lot of it from Herself? And just listening to
her and her wonderful sense of wit answered that question for me in a hurry!
She is definitely Claire and Claire is definitely a child of Herself!
After the questions, she read an excerpt from "A Breath of Snow and Ashes".
It wasn't a spoiler in any way. Jamie and Claire were lolling around under
a tree, remembering their lives together and talking about each other. It
was so touching and Herself added the scottish lilt to Jamie's voice as she
read. Her detail was so fantastic, I found myself just seeing the 2 of them
in my head - it was so real!!! She is truly one amazing and fantastic
After the reading, she signed books. I now own several books with her
signature and no one touches them! I had her sign my copy of the Lord John
book - "A True Sassenach" and I told her that my gr-grandmother was an
englishwoman and she married a scot - I come by it honestly. She laughed
and agreed that I did! Then the "handler" agreed to take a picture of my
friend and I with Diana!
It was all a fantastic evening and we almost felt like we were in the midst
of royalty!!
She is in Calgary today - there are 2 signings there, if anyone on the list
lives in Calgary. I've already given my sister the heads up about it!
Details are on her website.
(aka sassenach)