Post by KellimezzoIt is written in "A Breath of Snow and Ashes" that it was the 70s.
for the children and it says that since it was the 70s and communes
existed, homebirths weren't that unusual. I just reread that part last
I don't remember that. What page is it on? If Claire made birth
certificates for the children, they would have to reflect the difference in
the two time lines of about 203 years. So even though Mandy was born in
1776, in the future time line, she would have been born in 1979. If they
showed up with a six month old baby in 1979 and a birth certificate that
said 1976 then obviously people would question that.
So, as I mentioned in my previous post, Mandy was born in April of 1776 and
they left on Halloween 1776. And again, based on the other experiences with
time travel in the book, there is about a 203 year difference between the
two time lines. So that would mean that they arrived in 1979.
Most children begin walking around one year old but only say a few words
until about two. Of course, every child is different but let's just say for
the sake of argument that Mandy is two at the end of ABOSAA where they're at
Lallybroch. That would mean that it is maybe the end of 1980 or sometime in