Post by King's CrownI was so disappointed to hear that Malva had tried to kill her father and
Claire. Yet, at the end when her brother was explaining the whole sordid
tale it seemed that Malva truly had a good heart. So, then I was totally
confused about her. What do you think?
I don't think she was evil. Look at what she grew up dealing with and had
been going through leading up to her murder. No mother, her half brother
was forcing her to have sex with him and got her pregnant, her "father"
treated her like a slave because he knew she wasn't his real daughter but
the result of infidelity of his wife while he was in prison.
All of that certainly would mess up a child's sense of right and wrong. I
think she really loved Claire but just became desperate when she realized
she was pregnant and couldn't hide what had been happening to her.
Not that I wasn't upset when I found out about her lies and everything but
it did make more sense when her brother explained the situation.
Now I wonder if Claire will ever find anyone on whom to pass her vast
knowledge of medicine. It would seem such a waste for it to go unused. I
guess only time will tell.