2005-12-15 20:23:39 UTC
(Please don't kill me for this post... I really liked most of the series
and the last 400 pages or so of this latest book.)
But the book is much too long and nothing much happens in the first 600
pages or so. (Yes, there are touching moments and interesting dialogue but
nothing much is happening. I sometimes felt like I was reading a profound
person's diary.)
I don't know why but this often happens in a series. The later books
become way too descriptive and the action lags. The first few books in
this series were incredible but the series started to lag in "Fiery Cross"
and continued to do so in this latest book.
I realize that some people like lots of description but I personally like
the exposition to finish as quickly as reasonably possible and move on to
the complication.
The 2nd epilogue was also confusing to me. Were they explaining the
printer's error, or were they saying that there was more danger to come?
Finally, I found the ending really sad. I realize that not all books have
to have a happy ending but the separation of Jamie and Claire from their
family really "sucks!"
I also don't understand how Jamie can think he can return to Scotland.
Having participated in a battle against the Crown, wouldn't he be
considered a traitor and arrested the moment he set foot on British soil?
- Jack
and the last 400 pages or so of this latest book.)
But the book is much too long and nothing much happens in the first 600
pages or so. (Yes, there are touching moments and interesting dialogue but
nothing much is happening. I sometimes felt like I was reading a profound
person's diary.)
I don't know why but this often happens in a series. The later books
become way too descriptive and the action lags. The first few books in
this series were incredible but the series started to lag in "Fiery Cross"
and continued to do so in this latest book.
I realize that some people like lots of description but I personally like
the exposition to finish as quickly as reasonably possible and move on to
the complication.
The 2nd epilogue was also confusing to me. Were they explaining the
printer's error, or were they saying that there was more danger to come?
Finally, I found the ending really sad. I realize that not all books have
to have a happy ending but the separation of Jamie and Claire from their
family really "sucks!"
I also don't understand how Jamie can think he can return to Scotland.
Having participated in a battle against the Crown, wouldn't he be
considered a traitor and arrested the moment he set foot on British soil?
- Jack