2004-04-11 04:23:38 UTC
Would that be the ghost outside the B&B where F and C stay on their
anniversary? DG explained that the ghost is Jamie in the Outlandish
Companion. Is this what you meant?
Sorry to take so long replying to your post, I have been under the weather, myanniversary? DG explained that the ghost is Jamie in the Outlandish
Companion. Is this what you meant?
son has been tying up the computer and my income taxes had to get done!
But anyway..... yes, that's the ghost, and yes we know it's Jamie, but we have
been carrying on a prolonged, confusing and highly speculative argument
regarding how it is that Jamie is outside that window when Claire has not yet
gone through the stones and met him yet. Whereupon, we have had posts and
posts about all sorts of conjecture involving time as a moebus (darn, forgot
how to spell it) strip (look it up on the internet if you need an explanation,
its to long and difficult to do here) and, that on some plane, maybe Jamie
knew Claire was coming before Claire knew it.
To cut to the quick, what the heck is the darn ghost doing there at that
point in the story? This is the question that has plagued me since I first
read Outlander a long time ago. And it seems it will be a longer time before
I find out! I almost thought I had it figured when we all think, including
Claire, that Jamie died on the field at Culloden. Well, then you could almost
believe that Jamie haunts the Claire that only exists in 1946(?) since he died
two hundred years before after having known Claire after she went through the
stones... but lo and behold, Jamie doesn't die and I am left, along with alot
of others, to wonder what the deal is.
So now you may understand my angst over this item... it was one of the first
things that foreshadowed the whole premise of the story and its seems it will
be the last thing I get to find out, hence Colleen's joke that we may not find
out til the next decade ... (thanks, Colleen, I had a giggle at that one. )