excerpts on herself's site
(too old to reply)
2003-07-01 19:59:05 UTC
has anyone else noticed that the excerpt re: Brianna meeting Willie
for the first time is no longer there. I know I saw it on the site
about a month ago, and now there's an excerpt re: Lord John's

Anyone got the scoop on this? Do the excerpts regularly change? I
only recently became aware of the dianagabaldon.com site, and was
mentioning it to a friend, and when we looked, the excerpts were
different. Just Wondering. Thanks!!
2003-07-02 23:12:50 UTC
Post by clord7040
has anyone else noticed that the excerpt re: Brianna meeting Willie
for the first time is no longer there. I know I saw it on the site
about a month ago, and now there's an excerpt re: Lord John's
Anyone got the scoop on this? Do the excerpts regularly change? I
only recently became aware of the dianagabaldon.com site, and was
mentioning it to a friend, and when we looked, the excerpts were
different. Just Wondering. Thanks!!
I'm not sure how the exceerpts work or wether they're rotated. Rosanna, the
webmistress for the site would know. her email addy is posted on the site.

If it's any consolation, I remember reading that excerpt too! :)

2003-07-07 16:14:10 UTC

Thanks for the response and the info! I'll try to reach the
webmistress. So, what did you think about the whole John's
proposal/Jamie meets Willie excerpts? I was quickly drawn into the
scenes (as usual w/DG), and then aacck, it ended! It was a nice
carrot to dangle out to us to droole over...oh well, I got a
jamie/claire fix to last me for a little while....

Thanks again!
2003-07-09 20:56:41 UTC
Post by clord7040
Thanks for the response and the info! I'll try to reach the
webmistress. So, what did you think about the whole John's
proposal/Jamie meets Willie excerpts? I was quickly drawn into the
scenes (as usual w/DG), and then aacck, it ended! It was a nice
carrot to dangle out to us to droole over...oh well, I got a
jamie/claire fix to last me for a little while....
Thanks again!
Well, lol, I find the passages really do whet my appetite for the coming
books, but then while I read them I am sitting on the edge of my seat
waiting for the parts I've read. I guess I need to work on my patience
levels a bit. :)

The passage you are talking about was interesting! :)
