2nd time is a charm
(too old to reply)
2004-05-13 18:03:45 UTC
I am reading the Outlander Series for my 2nd time currently and am in
the middle of the Fiery Cross. I have enjoyed reading the 2nd time as
much as the first. Anyone else find that they no longer enjoy their
prior favorite authors. Find them petty and short. However, my
family has probably taken herself hostage and tied her hands behind
her back to keep the next book from being published. I do sort of
withdraw a bit from family obligations (speaking, cleaning, cooking
etc.) when reading one of her new novels. And due to the length of
same, this oblivion to my dear fmily, does last a bit. Anyway, must
go. I do enjoy reading what has been written prior quite a bit...
The Goddess in Tennis Shoes
2004-05-13 23:22:21 UTC
Post by Mcintyre
Anyone else find that they no longer enjoy their
prior favorite authors.
Hi, I'm Jesse. I just finished my first read through--having devoted an entire
three weeks to reading them cover to cover.

No, I still enjoy the authors of my youth. John Jakes, Stephen King, Melanie
Rawn, Patricia Kenneally Morrison...I still enjoy their works with my newer
favorites. A good story and a good author never fade from view.



"Jesus Christ," I said. There was a faint chuckle near my ear.
"I only said I felt like God, Sassenach," he murmured. "I never said I was."

--Jamie Fraser--
"Outlander" by Diana Gabaldon
2004-05-24 14:57:51 UTC
Post by Mcintyre
I am reading the Outlander Series for my 2nd time currently and am in
the middle of the Fiery Cross. I have enjoyed reading the 2nd time as
much as the first. Anyone else find that they no longer enjoy their
prior favorite authors. Find them petty and short. However, my
family has probably taken herself hostage and tied her hands behind
her back to keep the next book from being published. I do sort of
withdraw a bit from family obligations (speaking, cleaning, cooking
etc.) when reading one of her new novels. And due to the length of
same, this oblivion to my dear fmily, does last a bit. Anyway, must
go. I do enjoy reading what has been written prior quite a bit...
Good books are like wine and onions, They age well with each reading
and expose different layers to each reader.
